Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.

ZENMCU is an open-source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and the Zen Development Kit. The ZDK is a simple software toolkit that runs on a variety of actual microcontrollers. It defines abstractions for i/o, timing, communications, and external gadgets like servos, rgb LEDs, small LCDs, etc. providing an opportunity for applications to run without modification on "different but similar" hardware. Essentially, it strives to make it easier to use Cortex-Mx processors without concern for the vastly differing peripherals from various vendors.

ZENMCU boards are able to read inputs (like light on a sensor, or a finger on a button), and turn it into an output (like activating a motor, or turning on an LED). You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. You can program it in C using the ZDK, or you can program it in a variant of Forth called z4th.

My goal is to build the boards I want to have, with the firmware I want them to have. I plan to build batches of a hundred or so to try to keep costs lower, then use what I want and try to sell the rest to recover some of the cost. Mileage may vary; its a process. Yes there are many similar boards already available, and I have a good selection of them. But now I want to make my own toys the way I want them and not have to try to adapt existing boards into my gadgets. I realize that this may make things more complicated than is strictly necessary.

Note - These products are designed for hobby use and are not suitable for medical, industrial, or safety-critical applications.


These are gadgets I am working on for fun. I use my OtherMill CNC to prototype circuit boards, and once things are working well enough I have a few PCBs manufactured. Since I hand solder these I tend to use components that are big enough to actually manipulate. Someday if I produce a run of boards I may have them assembled by machine, and then I can consider smaller components.

My goal is to build the boards I want to have, with the firmware I want them to have. I plan to build batches of a hundred or so to try to keep costs lower, then use what I want and try to sell the rest to recover some of the cost. Mileage may vary; its a process. Yes there are many similar boards already available, and I have a good selection of them. But now I want to make my own toys the way I want them and not have to try to adapt existing boards into my gadgets. I realize that this may make things more complicated than is strictly necessary.

A flexible electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

ZEN001 MCU Board

An adapter to connect a debugger probe to the ZEN001 microcontroller board.

ZEN001 SWD Dapta

A card edge USB adapter to connect a the ZEN001 to the USB port of a workstation.

ZEN001 USB-A Dapta